Learn Deeper and Often
When I tell people what I do for a living, it can create some interesting looks. Some say “I Coach… soccer, mostly”. Some stare blankly, and often I will be asked something along the lines of, “What is that…?”. I always love the questions, and who doesn’t? As now I have a way to educate around my chosen career. I have never heard anyone say anything negative, but I do get, “Wow, I couldn’t do that.” That one always surprises me. You see, I felt for the longest time that anyone could Coach. All you needed to do is learn. Then when you were ready… learn some more. Then be prepared to learn again. When that was complete, and you were set to open up your company and hang out your shingle, learn all over and in a deeper way than before.
What is it that really makes me Coach? Why do I do it? What started my engine inside to perform this gift? What do I possess that makes me pursue such work? Is it that I get to dive head-on into the life of another and hold space for them, in the kindest and simplest way? Is it that I get to say bring your burden or magnificence here, rest your head or lift it, and let’s start a conversation?
Why Did I Become a Coach?
I coach because, on a very basic level, it’s all I have ever known. As a child, I was intuitive enough to know that there was something bigger than just me. A population existed beyond myself and I was part of the equation. And that population was sometimes hurting or celebrating, sometimes confused or clear and even capable of greatness even in the face of fear. The way the world seems to be going, I feel now more than ever, that we need each other. I think we owe it to ourselves, and others, to open up and share what lies inside. Whether it is good or bad, let us foster resilience in the face of change. Let us look at the world we live in through a lens that still sees beauty, kindness and acceptance. To know that no matter what may come, we are not alone, we are not broken, and we don’t need fixing.
Finding Your Calling
I am a Coach because of a following in my heart. My business partner refers to it as a “calling”. I have found the piece of me that lights up, holds purpose and shows the world a skill that if I chose not to share it, I would not have the gratitude or completeness that I do. That is why I Coach. It’s bigger than I am and these are the type of people I want to align with. Are you here to contribute something larger than yourself? Is this why you Coach? If that rings true for you, please send a note, as we are looking for people who want to contribute, work and get paid to follow their bliss in their Coaching career.
Moving the Human Spirit is a Professional Executive and Life Coaching consulting company located in British Columbia. Due to our expediential growth, we are currently seeking Coaches that possess PCC or have been assessed at the PCC level. Are in good standing with the ICF and who are interested in consulting with our company to help bring changes to the clients we serve. Our clients are couples one of which is a first responder or military personnel who are, or have been, subject to extreme situations that caused stress, anxiety or PTSD. For more information on becoming a Coach with Moving the Human Spirit, please call or email Susan Hogarth at 604 581 4452 or susan@movingthehumanspirit.com also check out our site at https://www.movingthehumanspirit.com/cope.html